Corporate Projects

BENNETT Consulting provides a broad suite of customized Business solutions in various countries around the world. BENNETT works with clients to:

  • Segment customers and identify unique customer profiles.
  • Increase customer conversion, acquisition and lifetime value.
  • Conduct analyses and develop strategies to differentiate from the competition.
  • Develop strategic plans for continued improvement and growth.
  • Create customized product positioning and marketing messages.
  • Evaluate products and recommend rationalization strategy.
  • Identify potential partners and acquisition targets.

Selected case studies are detailed below

Case Study – Customer Segmentation
Engaged by a middle-market company that was having difficulty differentiating itself from its competitors in a fragmented and crowded marketplace

  • Evaluated the client’s current product offering, strategy, and performance versus competitors.
  • Concluded that client’s one-size-fits-all approach to customers led to a lack of loyalty, especially during difficult economic periods.
  • Analyzed the client’s current customer base and identified 6 unique customer profiles.
  • Selected highest-priority targets based on size and value of segment as well as fit with client’s product portfolio.
  • Developed strategy to increase penetration of this more targeted market by up-selling and cross-selling to high-priority customer segments.
  • Created customized marketing messages for these new customer segments.

Client increased sales conversion by 15% and the lifetime value per customer by 300%.

Case Study – New Product Introduction
Engaged by a Fortune 500 company to assist in a new product introduction, which was intended to displace existing product offerings in an already competitive marketplace

  • Assessed the strengths and weaknesses of existing product alternatives in the marketplace and conducted market research to determine unfulfilled customer needs.
  • Based on this analysis, recommended that two versions of the product be introduced – a free, light product intended to directly displace competitors’ products and a premium version with enhanced features to increase market penetration.
  • Created targeted strategies and customized messages to reach potential customers for both versions.
  • Identified potential partners from whom to source additional proprietary add-ons to enhance the offering and increase success of market entry.

Client successfully introduced new product and exceeded target for number of new customers acquired by 10%.

Case Study – Portfolio Optimization
Engaged by a Fortune 500 company looking to streamline its cost structure after a series of acquisitions

  • Analyzed the client’s product portfolio, developing a more comprehensive and in-depth profitability model for each product.
  • Evaluated customer needs through focus groups, customer surveys and other market research.
  • Based on this analysis, recommended an alternative product offering mix involving the rationalization of several old product lines and the introduction of targeted new products.
  • Developed new messaging to help migrate customers to new products.

Client realized an immediate cost savings of $3 million and ongoing savings of $5 million per year.

Case Study – Business Development
Retained by a start-up company in the process of raising its first round of financing

  • Developed the client’s business plan and enhanced their financial models into detailed 5-year projections necessary for marketing to potential investors.
  • Conducted market research to analyze the competitive landscape and determine the client’s unique value proposition.
  • Recommended and helped develop a specific corporate brand and identity marketed towards customers that would effectively distinguish the company from its competition.
  • Created marketing materials and helped the client improve its presentation skills to better communicate the future business opportunity to potential investors.

Client successfully secured $2 million in capital from a new strategic investor.